Enquiry-based learning in the primary school

In our Primary School at St. George, we use a topic-based, inquiry-focused approach to our learning. This provides a wide range of practical experiences using child-friendly, engaging topics. As a result, the children are fully engaged in their learning and proud of their work. For example, last term we had an array of learning activities…

Characters that bring our values to life!

At St. George, we believe that teaching values to our children is more important now than ever. As educators and parents, we influence our children hugely and it is our responsibility to teach them core values so they may grow up to be caring, confident, and respectful adults.   In the pillars of our school…

Our Year 4’s explored Ancient Egypt⁠

We held Ancient Egyptian workshops in school and went on a visit to the Museum to discover all about this period filled with interesting mysteries. In the ⁠Museo Arqueológico Nacional, they discovered the traditions and beliefs of this ancient civilization, while having fun learning about some of its gods and mythological characters. This field trip…

Nuestros alumnos de Year 4 exploraron el Antiguo Egipto⁠

Hemos realizado talleres sobre el Egipto en el colegio y visitamos el Museo para descubrir todo sobre esta época llena de interesantes misterios. En el Museo Arqueológico Nacional de Madrid, los alumnos descubrieron las tradiciones y creencias de esta antigua civilización, mientras se divertían aprendiendo sobre algunos de sus dioses y personajes mitológicos. Esta excursión…

Happy Halloween from our spooky students

Last Tuesday, before our Half-Term holidays, we had a whole school Halloween non-uniform dress-up day. There were some very creative costume designs and some scary ones too! However, in our EYFS classes, this holiday lasted more than just a day. They did Halloween-themed activities throughout the week and read the book ‘Room on the Broom’.…

Our renewed school auditorium is back open!

We are very pleased to announce the re-opening of our school auditorium after a period of closure for refurbishment. The venue has been completely remodelled to provide us with a state-of-the-art venue for hosting large group gatherings, concerts, assemblies, and other cultural events. Our St. George Madrid auditorium boasts a large central stage with seating…

Our teams won the Kwik Cricket Madrid Games

Madrid Games is a mixed multi-sports league for international schools where points are won throughout the year by competing in a variety of tournaments such as cricket, volleyball, and swimming. On this occasion, we hosted a Kwik Cricket tournament in which our St. George Madrid A and B Teams won all of their fixtures in…

IB in action, out in the wild!

Our St. George Madrid Year 10 class started their Duke of Edinburgh expeditions, being challenged to navigate and fend for themselves in the mountains. Last week, the CAS students and the 6th form team kicked off this new school year with a 13km hike in the beautiful Sierra Norte, more specifically the valley between Miraflores…