Our Graduating class of 2022!

We fondly remember the graduation of our class of St. George 2022 this past July, sponsored by the Counsellor from the South African Embassy in Spain. In his speech, he mentioned being delighted to godfather in such a prestigious school, as well as congratulating our departing students for being «super lucky to be in the…

St. George Ski Trip 2022!

We were so pleased to be able to go back to the slopes this year. Returning to one of our favourite resorts, Candanchú Esquí Club, to enjoy the half-term week skiing in the beautiful Pyrenees. It was offered to our students from Year 5 to Year 11, who went from the 14th to the 18th…

Our secondary students ran a Charity Day

As part of their PSHE curriculum, Key Stage 3 students (Years 7 and 8) held a Charity Day. They researched various causes and each year chose one to support. They planned this day with the guidance of their Form Tutor, still being fully responsible for facilitating the events on the day. As part of this,…

Another impressive Inter-House Cross-Country competition

Last month, before Half-Term, we celebrated the 5th edition of the Inter-House Cross Country at St. George Madrid. This is one of the most important whole-school events where students participate by running various distances to win points for their house. We’re certain all our students did their Personal Best, with secondary students participating in the…

St. George’s Ukraine Charity Fair

On Friday 25th March, we welcomed all our St. George Madrid community to our Ukraine Charity Fair, which aim was to raise funds for World Central Kitchen. More than 50 stalls were organised by students, parents and staff from across our school community selling cakes, books, toys, Ukraine-themed jewellery, and much more. We also had…