As part of their PSHE curriculum, Key Stage 3 students (Years 7 and 8) held a Charity Day. They researched various causes and each year chose one to support. They planned this day with the guidance of their Form Tutor, still being fully responsible for facilitating the events on the day. As part of this, there was a non-uniform day for all as well as a range of activities for our students, both primary and secondary, including a bake sale and face painting stall. The materials and resources were donated and all proceeds went to their chosen charities.
7S: Fun Fair and Games including lucky dip, raffle prizes.
7M: St. George Bake Off (Open to all members of our Community).
7G: Animal Face Paint, painted masks, stickers.
8M: Bake Sale.
8G: Whole School Non-Uniform Day and Bingo.
8S: Accessories and Badges Sale.