EYFS Stay-and-Play Day with their Parents

Towards the end of this year, following all the safety procedures and protocols, we were able to have an EYFS Stay and Play day! Before the end of our school year at St. George, our younger students had the chance to give their parents an insight into their daily activities and learning tools, as well…

Our IB students take “Generación del 27” to Social Media

Our International Baccalaureate students are always learning in new and exciting ways. For their higher-level Spanish A Language and Literature classes, st udents need to read six books over the two years of the course, encompassing different cultures, genres, and eras. Within this, there are several areas of text exploration, including text analysis, character comprehension,…

Our School Prefects Help in the Library

At St. George, we have a group of Year 6 students that lead the way in maintaining an excellent academic & behavior record, always willing to take on extra responsibilities. These are our school Prefects, and we are very proud of the outstanding work they always do. A couple of weeks ago, they gave his…

#StGeorge’s School Nurse!

At our school, we have a nurse that is with us every day all day, making sure our #StGeorge students are safe and healthy! Having a complete, effective and specialized nurse is a great advantage, especially in order to make our school a Safe Space. Apart from the occasional tummy ache, sprained ankle, bandaids, etc.,…

Learning in Reception with ‘The Three Little Pigs’!

This term in Reception we read The Three Little Pigs story which the children absolutely loved! In Early Years we use linked cross-curricular learning, focusing on how to excite and motivate the children based on rich Literacy texts and topics. With this story, the children engaged in a huge variety of activities, developing their skills…

St. George’s Inter-House Cross-Country Competition!

This year we were extra excited about our annual Inter-House Cross-Country competition! The event was organized for all our St.George students and held on Tuesday, February 16th, with primary students participating in the morning and secondary students in the afternoon. There were some changes made this year to the previous ones due to COVID protocols,…

Global Ethics Day at St. George.

As a leading international school in Madrid and an IB World School, ethics underpin our work with the students. This is exemplified by our academic honesty initiative- a school-wide focus on recognizing the work of others and making the important distinction between reading and studying to learn and understand compared with copying and plagiarising. Ethics…