Visit our classrooms virtually

We are delighted to open the doors of our school for you to see how our students learn at St. George. While we invite you to schedule an in-person visit with Admissions (, we want to provide you with a glimpse of what the classes are like at the school.

We invite you to watch the various videos we offer, most of which are three or four minutes long and are introduced by different teachers. These are not staged scenes but real learning experiences at our school.

While we have to implement specific measures to follow coronavirus protocols, we are very proud of the vibrant learning environment we have achieved. Remember, you can also come to visit us by scheduling an appointment with Admissions.

Our Internationalism (Part I)

We are very proud that our school is international, with approximately 50 different nationalities.

Our Internationalism (Part II)

At St. George, we take great pride in our diversity, and that’s why we celebrate the differences that bring us together.

Virtual Open Day | EYFS Superheroes Week

Our Early Years students develop their communication, social, and psychomotor skills through the theme of superheroes, where our hero ‘Supertato’ saves the market from the ‘Evil Pea.’

Virtual Open Day | EYFS Spanish

In a Spanish class, our Reception students develop their social and learning skills. Each student progresses at their own pace, engaging in a variety of hands-on activities.

Virtual Open Day | Y1 Exploring Toys

A group of Year 1 students working with their teachers and selecting various materials to build their own little dolls. This activity will help them prepare for their next challenge of creating their own toy.

Virtual Open Day | Y2 Great Fire of London

The Year 2 teachers explaining how a thematic approach helps our students develop their ideas across different subjects. The students have designed and built their own Tudor houses, reflecting the architectural style of the 17th century.

Virtual Open Day | Y5 Greek Myths

Year 5 performing and learning the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur, while acquiring skills to create their own Greek myth.

Virtual Open Day | Primary Music

With all the current Covid-19 protocols in place, it has been a challenge to continue with our music program, but we are determined to keep our students engaged with the subject even though our instruments are locked away.

Virtual Open Day | Physics

Some students in the final year of IGCSE conducting an experiment on the factors affecting the electrical resistance of a wire.

Virtual Open Day | Secondary Maths

Our Head of the Mathematics Department explaining the options and courses available for students studying mathematics in Secondary School.

Virtual Open Day | ICT

An ICT class of Year 8, showcasing how our students develop their skills in preparation for their IGCSEs.

Virtual Open Day | Secondary Drama

Year 7 is using freeze-frame techniques to illustrate the most important moments of the novel they are working on in English.

Virtual Open Day | Secondary Art

Year 11 students are working on their portfolios and final pieces in preparation for their IGCSE presentation.

Virtual Open Day | PE Department

Our Head of the PE Department provides an overview of our physical education offerings in both Primary and Secondary departments.

Virtual Open Day | History

In a Year 8 History class, our students are studying the War of the Roses, exploring it through various historical perspectives.

Virtual Open Day | Chemistry

The Chemistry students of Year 13 are conducting experiments on how to calculate molecular weight.

Virtual Open Day | Summary Video

Entrad a conocer más nuestro Colegio, podéis empezar a navegar por nuestros videos de Puertas Abiertas con una introducción por parte de nuestros Directores.