Our School

St. George Madrid is a British Private School located in Sanchinarro (Madrid), providing education from the age of two to 18. In its classrooms, students from over 40 different nationalities are integrated, learning English from native teachers right from the first day. For St. George Madrid, the most important goal is to unlock the maximum potential of each student and strive for excellence, providing them with all the tools to stand out in their personal and professional lives. In the last two years (for students aged 17 and 18), the IB Diploma program is offered in English, granting access to Spanish and international universities.


Letter from the School Director

Dear parents,

Welcome to the St. George school community. Our school offers a British international education to children from families living in Madrid, both expatriates and locals. Our curriculum takes the best from the British educational system and effectively adapts it to help students develop as global and international individuals. We take pride in our school values, which include respect, responsibility, kindness, justice, and giving one’s best, as they define our characteristics as a school.

We are a rapidly growing school that works to foster talent throughout our community: staff, students, and parents, and we are proud of our open and tolerant environment where making mistakes is a vital part of the learning process.

We have dedicated and highly qualified teachers, many of whom are international, who encourage St. George children to uphold these values. They carefully monitor the progress of each student, from the earliest stages in our Pre-Nursery and Early Years to our older students taking the IB exams. This ensures an effective transition to universities worldwide, giving our students the confidence and academic results they need to progress. The students and staff at St. George are friendly and open. We encourage you to explore the pages of our website or to come and visit us in person.

Mr. Giles Montier


Mr. Giles Montier, director del colegio St George Madrid

Our values

As educators and parents, we influence our children hugely and it is our responsibility to teach our children core values so they may grow up to be caring, confident and respectful adults.

St. George Madrid promotes and encourages five fundamental values: Personal Best, Responsibility, Fairness, Kindness and Respect.

These encourage the children to lead successful and happy lives where they think not only of themselves but of the world around them. We think of ourselves as one big family in the school where every child has a part to play and is equally valued and loved.

We believe that values are “caught” by children as much as they are taught. If we expect our children to respect others, we must also show respect. Whatever values you wish to instil, you must be willing to stand up for yourself. Our staff and parents all try to model our values as well as teaching them to our children.


Personalized attention

We cater to different levels, set specific goals to help them progress, and celebrate what students have learned, understood, and what they are capable of doing.

The most important connection between the family and the school is the teachers. They are the fundamental support and closely monitor the academic progress of each student individually. At St. George, we do this in various ways: we meticulously track the progress of each student and address any issues as quickly and effectively as possible.

To ensure students progress adequately, the school needs to maintain a close relationship with parents, so we encourage frequent contact between families and teachers. We provide regular reports and organize tutorials and specific meetings with parents throughout the year.

Throughout the school year, we organize parent talks aimed at explaining the curriculum and guiding students in key decisions, such as choosing elective subjects or entering university.

Docente nativo colegio británico ST George International en clase con

A school with heart

Our goal is for students to cherish moments and relationships that help them become confident and well-rounded individuals in all aspects of their lives.

Our students actively participate in and organize various charitable events, raising funds for local and international charities. We support various foundations and organizations through activities such as ‘The Christmas Jumper Day,’ Carol Concert, International Day, Autumn Fair, and Spring Fair. Additionally, St. George Madrid is a UNICEF Child Friendly School. Through this partnership, students learn about how UNICEF helps children worldwide in various ways and raise funds to support this NGO.

To foster the creative and emotional aspects of a child’s development, we provide numerous opportunities: public speaking and performing arts contribute to building self-esteem, confidence, teamwork skills, and have a very positive impact on academic studies.

It’s our responsibility to identify each student’s abilities and talents and provide them with the opportunity to shine in those areas. At St. George Madrid, we aim to instill a sense of responsibility in our students towards others in the world and show them how, even as children, they can make a difference in the lives of others.

All children are born with an innate sense of charity and compassion. Just as we provide our children with the opportunity to enhance their skills and knowledge, we also strive to give them the chance to exercise their ‘charitable muscles’ so that they become truly generous individuals


School Houses

At St. George Madrid, we have four houses, represented by all the students and staff members of the school. Children join a School House when they enter the school and remain a part of it until they graduate.

Successful houses must work as a team, and this involves not only working and playing together but also recognizing and promoting the individual talents of all house members, fostering respect for team leaders.

The house points system is applied to various areas of the school where students compete as a team. Points are accumulated throughout the year through a range of sports, creative, academic, and other activities, as well as through earning certificates for the school’s values. Annual competitions include Sports Day, oratory competitions, talent shows, and many other creative and academic challenges. The winning house is awarded the Annual House Shield at the end of each year.

Students take great pride in their house and encourage members to participate to the best of their ability. We strive to ensure a wide variety of events and competitions throughout the year, allowing all students to find something that suits them and contributes points to their house.

school houses st george madrid


St. George School is a British international private school, authorized by regional authorities and certified by the British Council.

It is a member of the National Association of British Schools in Spain, founded in 1978 to promote, maintain, and defend British education in Spain.

St. George is accredited as an IB school, allowing students to complete the full International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma program in English during their high school years.

Welcome Dossier

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