After the school day is over, the school offers a multitude of extracurricular activities for our students.

[Primary After School Activities Form] [Secondary After School Activities Form]


We have a fully qualified nurse on site throughout the day. To ensure we are able to offer the best care to your child/children it is essential that we hold up to date dietary and medical information. Please use this form to provide or update information or you can email our nurse ( directly.

If you wish to find out more detailed information about our nursing provision, please follow this link to download our nursing policy.


At our school, we strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where every student is valued, supported, and respected. We maintain high standards across all areas of school life, and this includes the expectation that students are always well-presented and dressed smartly at all times.

To foster a sense of pride and unity, all students are required to wear the school uniform correctly and appropriately, both during the school day and while traveling to and from school. The uniform is available for purchase from El Corte Ingles Sanchinarro

[Download our Uniform Guide]

Our Sixth Form students have developed their own dress code.

[Download our Sixth Form Dress Code]