This month’s menu link

Our menus are all created in advance and published to parents through this page. All of our menus are compiled by our chef and his team, who then pass them to us for
approval. They are designed to comply with regulations provided by the Communidad de Madrid, who check that they meet their requirements for a healthy and balanced menu.

Portion sizes are also regulated to ensure that all students receive the recommended portion for their age. We ensure that there is salad, bread and fruit available to all students every day in addition to the daily menu. Menus consist of a three course meal- a first, smaller plate followed by a main plate and a small dessert (usually yoghurt or fruit).

In year three and below students are served at their tables, whereas for year four and above students line up and are served from our main service counter. Students can make requests to erving staff at the counter, although we do ask our serving staff to ensure that children are served a range of what is on offer each day. Students who would like a little more to eat can go back up to the counter and ask for a second helping if they wish to. Our caterers prepare food on our premises freshly every day and source high quality ingredients.

We aim to provide menus that are nutritious and tasty, although we appreciate that the menu each day will not necessarily be to everyone´s taste. Therefore there is also the option for parents of children in year four and above to access an additional menu choice that falls outside of our main menu guidelines. To do this, students need a card which can be requested by following this link. All students in Sixth Form can automatically access this menu choice without a canteen card.


Allergies and other adjusted menus

Link to adjusted menus files


There are a wide range of adjusted menus (including vegetarian, pork-free and gluten-free) to suit the needs of a range of different families in the school. Also, if your child has a specific allergy or intolerance they can be put onto an adjusted menu that takes this into account. For our youngest students (below year two) there are designated places for them in the canteen where they are served the modified menu. Older primary students (year four and above) have a wrist band to indicate that they are on an adjusted menu and there is a separate queue for all students on an amended menu. Canteen staff also hold a list of all students with intolerances, adjustments and allergies, and for students with severe dietary conditions they have a photo board in the kitchens to help them identify the students concerned. Our school nurse works closely with the canteen to ensure that students receive the correct menus and is often in the canteen checking on processes there. You can request one of these specialist menus by contacting our school nurse.


Supervision in the lunch hall

Year groups in the primary school are all accompanied to the lunch hall by their class teacher or learning assistant in the younger years, or by a member of staff on duty in the upper primary school (upper primary students in years 5 & 6 start their play-time and are then called into lunch once years 3 & 4 have all been served). Secondary students have allocated time-slots when they can come to lunch each day but are not accompanied to the lunch hall by their teachers.

Once in the dining hall there are at least two staff supervising at all times. In the primary school these staff check that students are behaving as we would expect them to in school, and check that they are all eating. To leave the dining hall, primary students need to raise their hand and the supervising members of staff check that they have eaten their lunch. Students are encouraged to eat a little more if they have not eaten very much and will be asked to stay and try a little longer, but students are not forced to finish their lunch.

Supervision in the secondary school is slightly different- a register is taken on entry at different times throughout the year to check on attendance and one supervisor controls the entry queue; a second supervisor is on duty during the busiest time in the cafeteria (between 2:30 and 3:00) to monitor behaviour and encourage positive eating habits.


Canteen feedback

We welcome feedback on our service. If you wish to tell us about it, you can do so by following this link.